Setting the Record Straight on “Islamic” Extremism

As part of my school's PSHCEE (that's Personal Social Health Citizenship Economic Education) programme, year 7s and year 10s were treated to a day spent learning about different issues pertaining to diversity (year 7s) and work/business (year 10s). I initially wanted to deliver a session about Paganism, as it's something that is never taught in secondary religious studies and a lot of British culture and heritage, along with Christianity lends itself to Pagan traditions. However, as the school in Continue reading [...]

An Open Letter to Nick Clegg

Dear Mr Clegg, First of all, may I congratulate you on winning your seat in the Sheffield Hallam constituency. I know the evening's results overall were crippling to the Liberal Democrats, but I wanted to offer my words of support for you, and for what you stand for. I first found an interest in politics during the last election in 2010. My dad has always voted Lib Dem and so naturally, I looked into what your party stood for, so that I could inform my decision as to whether or not to carry on Continue reading [...]

A Dark Day to be a Liberal

As the country wakes up to simply dumbfounding news that we are heading for a Conservative majority, there are many people questioning the successes and failures of their respective parties. The Tories have defied the odds and are on course to win 329 seats, 3 more than the required 326 to an outright majority. The Scottish National Party have by far been the clear winners of this campaign, picking up 50 seats across the country, effectively wiping out the Labour and the Lineral Democrat presence Continue reading [...]

The Calm Before The Storm…

As the sun sets on the United Kingdom, people across the country are preparing to take part in one of the most important elections in recent years. Many people have in fact already submitted their ballot papers via the postal vote; many people are still undecided as to which party deserves the cross to be placed next to it. No matter what the outcome on Friday morning, this election is going to change the United Kingdom. For better, or for worse. The road to economic recovery is ongoing; yes the Continue reading [...]

The Case for Electoral Reform Has Never Been Stronger

The election is only three days away and yet the outcome is still as unclear as ever. The only certainty is that we are heading, yet again for a hung parliament. No one party will command a majority in the House of Commons leading to long deliberations as to who should govern the United Kingdom for the next five years. The majority of political commentary in recent weeks and days has focused heavily on how potential coalitions will look; will there be a shade of blue and purple? Or will Ed Miliband Continue reading [...]