The Trade Union Bill Isn’t Perfect, But Reform Is Needed

I've done nothing but write political pieces recently and to those readers who enjoy my theological articles, I apologise. I restart my Master's degree tomorrow so I hope to get back into the swing of things soon: my theological musings will return soon enough. But for now, another political rant from your favourite Lib Dem. I have a horrible feeling that I'm getting a reputation for being wholly illiberal amongst many of my peers within the Liberal Democrats; firstly I speak out against aspects Continue reading [...]

I’m a Liberal, and I’m Ambivalent towards Europe.

A controversial statement from a Liberal Democrat I admit, but the past few days has had me reflected on my attitude towards the European Union and the way I will vote in the upcoming referendum in 2016/2017. At the moment, I plan to abstain from the vote. Why, you ask? Firstly because I know little about the benefits of staying in the EU and even less about the consequences of leaving, but most importantly because there are aspects about the EU I like, and there are aspects of it that I dislike. I Continue reading [...]

Petition to Change Our Electoral System

Dear readers, As you know from previous posts around the General Election, the issue of electoral reform is something I care very deeply about. This morning I began an online petition to prompt the government to debate the issue in Parliament. I support a system of proportional representation by the Single Transferrable Vote; this has been a key policy of the Liberal Democrats (and formerly the Liberal Party) for over 20 years and something I think the British public need to be made aware of. The Continue reading [...]

Is It Wrong To Draw Muhammad?

Inspired by a frankly embarrassing debate on  the BBC's Sunday Morning Live today, I wanted to address the issue of whether or not non-Muslims should be 'allowed' to draw Muhammad (pbuh*). This debate stemmed from the cancellation of an art exhibition, showcasing numerous images of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and asked as to whether or not the fear of reprisal from Islamic extremists is an infringement on our freedom of speech. This is a topic I covered with my year 7 classes at the end of last Continue reading [...]

A Mock(ery) Election

The past few months have seen nothing but antagonistic and negative press regarding the Labour leadership contest. Seeing the papers this morning is no different and this whole business really angers me. This enitre leadership  contest has been a joke and has made a mockery of the Labour Party. Whilst the Liberal Democrats elected our leader quietly and with dignity, Labour have opened a public blood-bath and are tearing themselves apart. What trust can/should the British public put in a party Continue reading [...]